GE Lighting Controls

A series of lighting controls under the GE-branded label. The line goal was to promote the simple-to-use nature of each product, and visually highlight simple consumer applications. Sole designer responsible for completion of all artworks, manuals, and illustrations on a tight two-month schedule amidst US holiday season, just prior to vendor’s Chinese New Year deadline.

Role Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Project Manager
For Jasco Products Company
Type Retail Packaging

Pieces LCs 01
Pieces LCs 02
Pieces LCs 03

Pieces LCs 04 Manual
Instruction manual with custom technical illustrations

Pieces LCs 05 draw
Technical illustrations

Pieces LCs 06
Pieces LCs 07

This site serves as a self-promotional creative portfolio for Rachel Taylor and as such all content displayed herein constitutes fair use under applicable law. All trademarks and rights are retained by their respective owners. © 2023 Rachel Taylor.