Super! Bitcon

A new gaming convention trying to attract sponsors and attendees,
Super! Bitcon wanted some novelty items. A premium VIP package that imitated a classic Super Nintendo video game was created to drive giveaways and promotional contests. Additional throwback-style artworks for web use, and promotional materials was also created.

Role Graphic Designer, Illustrator
For Retro Gamers Society
Type Promotional Materials, Product Packaging

Pieces SBC 01
Convention event logo

Pieces SBC 02
VIP supporter's ticket included SNES game with custom art

Pieces SBC 04 Draw
Original pixel art for packaging

Pieces SBC 03
One-color apparel print

Pieces SBC 05
Event badges

Pieces SBC 06
Social media graphics

This site serves as a self-promotional creative portfolio for Rachel Taylor and as such all content displayed herein constitutes fair use under applicable law. All trademarks and rights are retained by their respective owners. © 2023 Rachel Taylor.